My third pregnancy! I was so excited and so were my husband and kids. We were ready to add an addition to our family! I’ve always wanted 4 kids, but my husband asked me to compromise with 3. So turner was going to be our third and final baby. 9 weeks I decided to take the sneak peek test to find out the gender. The results came back that we were having another boy! A week later I started bleeding some. I thought I had done something pulling my boys in their wagon. But as the bleeding got worse I decided to see my doctor. In the midst of a pandemic I was the only one allowed in the room. In that room I got the most devastating news. My sweet boy, Turner James without a heart beat at 10.5 weeks. I was in shock. I was devastated. I had to find out alone. My heart shattered. I had to go to my car and tell my husband and kids we had lost our boy. That night I started passing heavy blood clots. I was covered in blood by the time we reached the hospital. They had to do an Emergency D&C. I miss my boy so much. It’s been a year this past April since we lost him and I think about him everyday. We are wanting to try for another baby but we are all scared of another miscarriage. I know God will get us through it. ❤️

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