
My third pregnancy! I was so excited and so were my husband and kids. We were ready to add an addition to our family! I’ve always wanted 4 kids, but my husband asked me to compromise with 3. So turner was going to be our third and final baby. 9 weeks I decided to take the sneak peek test to find out the gender. The results came back that we were having another boy! A week later I started bleeding some. I thought I had done something pulling my boys in their wagon. But as the bleeding got worse I decided to see my doctor. In the midst of a pandemic I was the only one allowed in the room. In that room I got the most devastating news. My sweet boy, Turner James without a heart beat at 10.5 weeks. I was in shock. I was devastated. I had to find out alone. My heart shattered. I had to go to my car and tell my husband and kids we had lost our boy. That night I started passing heavy blood clots. I was covered in blood by the time we reached the hospital. They had to do an Emergency D&C. I miss my boy so much. It’s been a year this past April since we lost him and I think about him everyday. We are wanting to try for another baby but we are all scared of another miscarriage. I know God will get us through it. ❤️


Abortion is wrong. Period. I don’t care how you try to justify it or why you try to justify it. It’s wrong! But what if the woman was raped? What if the baby or mom will die during child birth? What if their is a medical reason for aborting your baby? I don’t care it’s wrong. It’s wrong in my eyes but most importantly it’s wrong in the eyes of God! Thou shalt not kill. That is one of the Ten Commandments. It is not that babies fault u were raped. Take care of it or put it up for adoption. But foster cares are full enough as it is. You really think that’s a solution? The solution is to keep your legs closed. Wait until marriage like god intended. Don’t have a baby if u plan on giving it up or can’t take care of it. We all sin. I know people have sex before marriage. But that’s not the way god intended. God didn’t intend for their to be abortions and god didn’t intend for so many people to be in foster care. God intended for you to get married, have children, and take care of those children. Stop aborting babies! It’s wrong and it makes me sick to think about. God has  plan for everything. Pray, don’t abort!

It’s gonna be a long day!

I sit here this morning rocking two babies. Both asleep. My sister in law is asleep on the floor and my 3 year old already asking for a pancake. It’s 7:53 am and it’s Monday. I haven’t had a chance to eat breakfast yet, but I’m hoping to eat this poptart soon. This morning  I prayed for a smooth day. I prayed to god to help me get thru this day with a kind temper and very little screaming. 2 babies, a 3 year old and an 11 year old can kill your nerves at times. Maybe make you want to pull your hair out. It’s gonna be a long day. Lord please help me get thru it.

Sleeping child

I really should be back in bed. But as I look down, I can’t help but sit and stare at this sweet baby asleep in my arms. God sure has blessed me. One day he won’t want mommy rocking him to sleep. So I think I might just sit here for a few more minutes and watch my sleeping child. It won’t be long and this baby will be grown. Where does time go? Thank you lord for your blessings on me. Good night (or should I say morning), and god bless.


Prayer is the key to a successful life. It’s how we talk with god and it’s how we help others. But do we really know how to pray or what to pray for? I don’t think their is any perfect way to pray as long as you start out by thanking God, then praising him and asking for what you need, asking what he needs of you, pray for others, thank God again, then close. So many men and women in my church are such wonderful pray-ers. Me? Not so much. I can follow the basic outline of a prayer but I just can’t get into it like some can. But I think I know why. I think it’s because those people have a much better relationship with God than I do. I think they strive on a daily basis to live their life for God. They pray all the time. They have became Pray-ers. I try to live my life for god, but sometimes I let worldly things get in the way and don’t try as hard as I should. So this year my New Years resolution is to become a Pray-er! Who’s gonna join me?

Friday the 13th!

As I roll over in bed this morning I realize I’m soaking wet. Not in sweat tho, in my 3 year olds urine!!!! I look over at my phone to see what time it is and realize it’s Friday the 13th!!! What a great start to this day! I did however get somewhat better. I removed the bedding, Donovan got Hayden cleaned up, and we started our day. I was hoping to sleep past 7 am since I didn’t have to babysit today but I guess that wasn’t in Gods plan. I got the kids fed and decided to do a little bible study. God works in mysterious ways and let’s just say Friday the 13th wasn’t all that bad. After all my husband did propose to me on a Friday the 13th back in may of 2011. Welcome to my life. 😊