Abortion is wrong. Period. I don’t care how you try to justify it or why you try to justify it. It’s wrong! But what if the woman was raped? What if the baby or mom will die during child birth? What if their is a medical reason for aborting your baby? I don’t care it’s wrong. It’s wrong in my eyes but most importantly it’s wrong in the eyes of God! Thou shalt not kill. That is one of the Ten Commandments. It is not that babies fault u were raped. Take care of it or put it up for adoption. But foster cares are full enough as it is. You really think that’s a solution? The solution is to keep your legs closed. Wait until marriage like god intended. Don’t have a baby if u plan on giving it up or can’t take care of it. We all sin. I know people have sex before marriage. But that’s not the way god intended. God didn’t intend for their to be abortions and god didn’t intend for so many people to be in foster care. God intended for you to get married, have children, and take care of those children. Stop aborting babies! It’s wrong and it makes me sick to think about. God has  plan for everything. Pray, don’t abort!

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