Prayer is the key to a successful life. It’s how we talk with god and it’s how we help others. But do we really know how to pray or what to pray for? I don’t think their is any perfect way to pray as long as you start out by thanking God, then praising him and asking for what you need, asking what he needs of you, pray for others, thank God again, then close. So many men and women in my church are such wonderful pray-ers. Me? Not so much. I can follow the basic outline of a prayer but I just can’t get into it like some can. But I think I know why. I think it’s because those people have a much better relationship with God than I do. I think they strive on a daily basis to live their life for God. They pray all the time. They have became Pray-ers. I try to live my life for god, but sometimes I let worldly things get in the way and don’t try as hard as I should. So this year my New Years resolution is to become a Pray-er! Who’s gonna join me?

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